Best Location for Garbage Can in Kitchen


When it comes to the best location for your kitchen garbage can, there are a few things you need to take into account. You want to make sure that it is easy to access so that you don’t have to waste time walking across the room every time you need to throw something away. You also want to make sure that it is in a spot where it won’t smell up your kitchen. This article will discuss the best places to put your kitchen garbage can for the best results!

Types of Garbage Cans in Kitchen

If you’re looking for the best place to put your kitchen garbage can, the first step is to determine what type of can you will be using. Generally, there are three types of cans available: swing-top, pull-out, and in-cabinet.

Types of Garbage Cans in Kitchen

Swing-top cans provide a simple design with an easy open/close mechanism that makes it convenient for quickly disposing of food scraps and other small items into the bin. Pull-out bins come with a specialized tray that slides out from a cabinet or island when needed. This allows for easy access and uses in tight spaces where regular-sized cans won’t fit. Finally, in-cabinet models provide a space-saving option by mounting inside cabinets or pantries.

To choose the right model for your kitchen, you’ll need to consider both the size and type of garbage can needed, as well as its location in the room. Moreover, you should consider the design and material of the garbage can, as well as its ability to contain odors [1].

What Is The Best Location For Garbage Can In The Kitchen?

Once you know what type of bin you need and which material/design is best for your kitchen, it’s time to decide where the garbage can should go. Ideally, you want to choose a convenient place out of sight so it doesn’t detract from the overall look of your space.

Pull-Out Drawer

If you have a cabinet or island that can spare some room, a pull-out bin is the best option. This type of garbage can slide out from underneath the counter when needed and provides easy access for disposing of food scraps and other items. Also, since this type of bin operates on a pulley system, it’s best to place it as far back in the cabinet as possible so it won’t interfere with your regular activities.

Under the Sink

If you don’t have enough space for a pull-out drawer, an under-sink garbage can may be your best bet. As its name suggests, this type of bin fits nicely beneath your kitchen sink, making it easy to toss food scraps into while still keeping them out of sight.

Besides the Sink

If you don’t want to place your bin underneath the sink, you can also set it beside it. This is a great option if you have a larger kitchen with plenty of counter space. Just make sure to choose a garbage can that matches the rest of your decor and has an effective odor-containment system in place.

Besides the Sink

Under the Countertop

If you have an island or breakfast bar in your kitchen, a swing-top garbage can is the best option. This type of bin fits conveniently under countertops and provides quick access for disposing of food scraps and other items quickly. If you choose such a location, the can should be situated in an area where it is easily accessible and won’t disrupt your regular kitchen activities.

In-Cabinet Option

If you’re short on space or want to keep your garbage can out of sight, an in-cabinet model may be the best option. This type of bin fits inside drawers or cabinets and slides out for easy access when needed. Keep in mind that this type of garbage can may require special installation hardware to ensure a secure fit.

In a Closet or Pantry

Finally, if you have an extra closet or pantry in your kitchen, a pull-out bin can be installed there as well. This type of bin slides out from the cabinet when needed and provides easy access for disposing of food scraps and other items quickly.

Outside the Kitchen

In some cases, it may make more sense to place your garbage can outside the kitchen. For instance, if you have a pantry or mudroom off of your kitchen, you can install a pull-out bin there and use it for disposing of food scraps and other items. Moreover, you can place your kitchen can outdoors. Such cans can be large and provide plenty of space for trash. However, they should be kept in a sheltered area to protect them from the elements [2].

No matter which type or location you choose, it’s important to choose a garbage can that is both functional and aesthetically pleasing. With the right model and placement, your kitchen will stay neat, organized, and free of odors. Plus, with easy access to a bin that fits your needs, disposing of food scraps and other items will become a breeze!

How Do You Make A Pull-Out Garbage Drawer?

How Do You Make A Pull-Out Garbage Drawer

What You’ll Need

If you’re looking to make a pull-out garbage drawer for your kitchen, then you’ll need some basic tools and materials. You’ll need a drill, screws, level, measuring tape, wood glue, hinges and the appropriate-sized board or boards to fit inside the cabinet space. For example, if you’re using a wood board, it would be best to have one cut down to the exact measurement of your cabinet space.

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Start by measuring the size of the cabinet space and then use a saw or other cutting tool to cut the appropriate-sized board or boards for creating your pull-out garbage drawer.
  2. Once you’ve measured and cut the boards, use wood glue to secure them together (if necessary) to create one solid base for your garbage drawer.
  3. Attach some hinges to the bottom edge of your garbage drawer so that when you open the cabinet door, it will swing out like a drawer instead of grabbing onto something inside like with a normal garbage can.
  4. Use a drill to screw the hinges into place, making sure that they are secure and won’t come loose over time.
  5. Place the drawer in your cabinet and make sure it fits correctly by taking measurements again if necessary. Once you’re happy with how it looks and fits, use a level to check for balance and evenness before finally attaching it to the cabinet door or wall studs (if needed).
  6. Finally, clean up any excess glue or debris from the installation process and you should be good to go [3]!

Odor Control Tips for a Stinky Garbage Can

No matter where your kitchen garbage can is located, it can become stinky quickly. To keep it from becoming a smelly nuisance in the room, here are some tips for keeping odor at bay:

Line the can with plastic bags: Whenever you take out the trash, line the bottom of the garbage can with a new plastic bag. This will help contain any liquid messes or odors that may occur when throwing food away.

Keep lids tightly shut: Make sure to always close and secure the lid on your kitchen garbage can completely after disposing of your waste. This will prevent odors from escaping into the air and lingering around your home.
Use baking soda: Sprinkling a little baking soda into the bottom of your garbage can is a great way to combat odors. Not only does it help absorb any smelly scents, but it also adds freshness to the air as well.

Use essential oils: If you want something more natural, try adding some essential oils to the bag in your kitchen garbage can. This will give off a pleasant scent that helps to counteract any unpleasant odors coming from the trash inside [4].

Optimal Placement for Kitchen Garbage Can: A Clean and Convenient Guide

Positioning your garbage can in the kitchen strategically is essential for cleanliness and convenience. To assist you in finding the best location, we’ve created a table with multiple columns detailing various placement options for kitchen garbage cans and their advantages.

Placement Option Advantages Considerations Best for Kitchen Styles
Under the Sink Hidden from view, saves space, and convenient for scraping dishes. May reduce under-sink storage space. Modern, minimalist, traditional.
Inside a Cabinet Concealed, maintains a clean look, and provides easy access. Requires cabinet modification, may limit storage. Various styles with appropriate cabinet modification.
Freestanding Near Prep Area Accessible while cooking, no need to walk to dispose of waste. Takes up floor space, may not fit seamlessly into the kitchen design. Transitional, farmhouse, rustic.
Within a Pull-Out Drawer Concealed and easy to access, maximizes cabinet space. Requires specific cabinetry with pull-out options. Modern, minimalist.
Island with Built-In Bin Blends into the island design, eliminates clutter, and adds functionality. Requires a kitchen island or custom modification. Contemporary, modern.

Explanation of the Table:

  • Placement Option: Lists different placement options for kitchen garbage cans.
  • Advantages: Describes the benefits of each placement option.
  • Considerations: Highlights factors to think about when choosing a placement option.
  • Best for Kitchen Styles: Suggests kitchen styles that each placement option complements.

By considering these placement options and their advantages, you can determine the best location for your kitchen garbage can based on your space, needs, and style preferences. A well-placed garbage can enhances kitchen functionality and maintains a clean and organized cooking environment.


How do you hide a garbage can in the kitchen?

There are a few ways to hide a garbage can in the kitchen. One of them is to place it in a cabinet or cupboard that can be closed off when not in use. Another option is to purchase an attractive trash bin with a lid and keep it tucked away under the sink, near a pantry, or inside an island if you have one. You could also look for creative ideas like disguising your garbage bin as furniture or artwork by placing it inside an old trunk or wardrobe. Finally, you could consider installing hidden compartments built into cabinetry that open up for easy access when needed.

How big should my kitchen garbage be?

The size of your kitchen garbage can will depend on the space you have available and how much waste you generate. Generally speaking, a 14-gallon trash bin is enough for most households. If you find yourself needing to take out the garbage more often than usual, however, it might be time to consider upgrading to a larger-sized bin with a 19-gallon capacity or higher.

How do you rat-proof a garbage can?

How do you rat-proof a garbage can

If you’re worried about rats getting into your kitchen garbage can, there are several steps you can take to make it rat-proof. Start by investing in a heavy-duty bin with a lid that seals tightly and doesn’t open easily. You should also place the bin on a flat surface away from walls or other surfaces, as this will make it more difficult for rodents to climb up and get access inside. Finally, regularly clean the area around your garbage can, and be sure to securely close the lid before disposing of any food waste. Taking these preventive measures will help keep rats out of your kitchen garbage can.

Should you keep garbage cans in the garage or outside?

If you have a small kitchen and limited storage space, it’s best to keep your garbage can outside. Garbage cans generate unpleasant odors, so keeping them in the garage is not recommended unless you’ve installed an air-conditioning or ventilation system. If possible, find a spot on your property that’s away from windows or doors and accessible enough for taking out the trash regularly. You should also make sure to get a bin with wheels or handles so it can be easily moved when needed.

Where do you put the garbage in a small kitchen?

In a small kitchen, it’s important to make the most of the space you have available. A great idea is to install pull-out cabinets underneath your sink and use them as storage for trash cans. This will save you valuable countertop space while also keeping your garbage out of sight when not in use. If you don’t have enough room for two bins – one for recycling and one for waste – consider purchasing a single bin that can be divided into separate compartments. That way, you can easily sort through recyclables and store them until they are collected.

It’s not necessary to take out the kitchen trash every day, but it is recommended. Leaving garbage in your kitchen for too long can cause unpleasant odors, attract pests and even lead to a health hazard. To prevent these issues from occurring, it’s best to take out the trash at least once a week or as needed if you generate a lot of waste daily. Be sure to use an airtight lid on your garbage can and securely close it before disposing of any food waste.

Is it better to have a freestanding or built-in garbage can in the kitchen?

Whether to have a freestanding or built-in garbage can in the kitchen depends on your preference and available space. Freestanding cans are easy to move but may take up floor space. Built-in cans can be discreetly integrated into your cabinetry, saving space and providing a sleek look.

What are the advantages of placing the garbage can near the food prep area?

Having the garbage can near the food prep area is convenient because it allows you to quickly dispose of food scraps and packaging while you’re cooking. This can streamline your kitchen workflow and reduce the need to walk back and forth to the trash can.

Should I consider odor control when choosing the location for my kitchen garbage can?

Yes, odor control is important when placing your kitchen garbage can. It’s advisable to choose a location with good ventilation, such as under the sink or in a cabinet with proper sealing, to minimize odors. You can also use odor-absorbing products or liners to help keep your kitchen smelling fresh.

What factors should I consider when deciding between an in-cabinet or pull-out trash bin?

When deciding between an in-cabinet or pull-out trash bin, consider factors such as available cabinet space, ease of access, and your kitchen layout. In-cabinet bins save space and keep the trash hidden, while pull-out bins offer easy access but may require more room in your cabinet.

Can I place my kitchen garbage can near the kitchen entrance?

It’s not recommended to place the garbage can near the kitchen entrance as it can be unsightly and create a bad first impression. Opt for a location within the kitchen area that is convenient for daily use but still discreet.

What’s the best way to prevent pests from accessing the kitchen garbage can?

To prevent pests like ants and rodents from accessing your kitchen garbage can, make sure it has a secure lid or cover. Additionally, empty the trash regularly, clean the can periodically, and consider using pest deterrents like traps or repellents in the vicinity.

Are there any safety considerations when choosing a location for the kitchen garbage can?

Safety is essential when choosing a location for your kitchen garbage can. Avoid placing it in high-traffic areas or where it can obstruct walkways to prevent accidents. Make sure it’s easily accessible but not in a position that could pose a tripping hazard.

Can I use a recycling bin alongside my kitchen garbage can, and where should I place it?

Yes, you can use a recycling bin alongside your kitchen garbage can to separate recyclables. Place the recycling bin in a convenient location, such as next to or near the garbage can, to encourage recycling and make it easy to sort waste properly.

Should I consider the proximity to the dishwasher when placing the kitchen garbage can?

Proximity to the dishwasher is beneficial when placing the kitchen garbage can. It allows for easy disposal of food scraps and empty containers after washing dishes, reducing the need to carry them across the kitchen. Consider placing the trash can near the dishwasher for added convenience.

Useful Video: 11 Best Kitchen Trash Cans


It is important to give careful consideration to where you place your kitchen garbage can to make the most of its benefits and ensure that it fits into your home’s aesthetic. Depending on what works best for your space, there are several different options available for placement, such as underneath a sink, tucking it away in a cabinet or drawer, or even keeping it out in an open area. Ultimately, the right spot for your kitchen garbage can will depend on both practical considerations and personal preference. With a bit of thoughtfulness and planning, you can find the perfect location that meets all of your needs.

