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How to Clean Burnt Grease From Bottom of Frying Pans?

It can be intimidating to clean burnt grease off the bottom of frying pans. Grease splatters, boils over or just builds up over time and makes it difficult to get your pan looking clean again. But with a few simple steps you can make short work of even the toughest burnt-on grease. The following guide will give you clear and detailed instructions on how to remove greasy residue from your frying pans, leaving them looking brand new.

Most Effective Ingredients

To begin cleaning a frying pan with burnt grease, you need to determine which cleaning ingredients will work best. To get the best results, it is recommended to use baking soda, vinegar, hot water, and dish soap as ingredients.

Baking Soda

You can use baking soda, which is a natural cleaning agent, to remove burnt grease from the bottom of frying pans. Start by putting a few tablespoons of baking soda in the pan. Then, fill the pan with warm water until the baking soda is fully covered. Allow the mixture to sit for an hour or so, and then pour out the water. The grease should have been loosened, making it easier to scrub away with a sponge or steel wool pad. For any remaining residue, repeat the process if necessary.

Oven Cleaner

Dealing with burnt grease on the bottom of frying pans can be tricky, whether you are a beginner cook or an experienced chef. As the grease builds up, it becomes harder to remove and takes longer to scrub off. There are several easy and chemical-free methods available to clean stubborn burnt-on grease from your pans. Using oven cleaner or Lime Away is one of the most effective methods.

Carbon Steel Cookware Safe

Oven cleaner and Lime Away are specially designed to dissolve grease and grime, making them perfect for removing burnt-on residue from your frying pans. To properly use either of these products, first make sure that the pan is cool before starting the cleaning process.

After that, you should apply a substantial quantity of oven cleaner or Lime Away on the bottom of the pan and leave it for around 10 to 15 minutes. Use either steel wool or a non-abrasive scrubber to remove the grease and grime by gently rubbing the surface. [1]

Lemon Juice Or Vinegar

Lemon juice or vinegar can be used to loosen grease that has been burned onto the bottom of a frying pan. To improve the situation, put some lemon juice or white vinegar in the pan and allow it to sit for 10-15 minutes to let it work effectively.

After this, lightly scrub with a sponge or brush, then rinse off. If some of the grease remains, repeat the process until the pan is clean. You can make a paste using baking soda and water which can help to scrub away any residue in stubborn areas. Once finished, wash the pan with warm soapy water and dry it completely before storage.

Dryer Sheets

Using dryer sheets is a simple and efficient method to get rid of burnt grease on the bottom of a frying pan. To start, pour hot water into the pan and include a small amount of liquid dish soap or detergent. Add several dryer sheets to the mixture and let it sit for about 30 minutes.

After that, use a sponge or non-abrasive scrubber to gently scrape away the grease. After removing the grease, wash the pan with water and ensure that it is completely dry.

Bar Keeper’s Friend and Aluminum Foil

Many people use Bar Keeper’s Friend to clean the burnt grease from the bottom of their frying pans. To use Bar Keeper’s Friend, sprinkle it liberally over the bottom of your pan and scrub with a plastic or wooden spatula or brush. Another option is to moisten a paper towel with warm water and use it for cleaning the pan. After you finish cleaning, make sure to rinse with hot water and then dry using a soft cloth or paper towel.

You can use aluminum foil to clean burnt grease from the bottom of frying pans. Place a sheet of aluminum foil in your pan and fill it about halfway with water. Bring the water to a boil, then add a few tablespoons of vinegar and let the mixture simmer for 15 minutes. Remove the foil and scrub the burnt grease with a plastic or wooden spatula. Make sure to rinse thoroughly with hot water and then dry with a soft cloth or paper towel. [2]

How to Clean Different Types of Frying Pans

How to Clean Different Types of Frying Pans

Frying pans come in a variety of different materials, including stainless steel, aluminum, and non-stick. To your frying pan, the cleaning method will depend on the material it is made from.

Cleaning a Stainless Steel Pan

To cool down a stainless steel pan, turn off the heat and wait for it to reach room temperature.

After letting it cool, fill it with warm water and add a few drops of liquid dish soap. Allow the mixture to sit for approximately 15 minutes prior to using a non-abrasive sponge or shaker ball to scrub off the burnt grease. Make sure that you do not scrub too hard on the pan surface. Once all the burnt grease is removed, rinse off the soap and dry off the pan with a soft cloth.

Cleaning a Cast-Iron Pan

When cleaning burnt grease off a cast iron frying pan, some additional steps will be required. Start by filling the pan with hot water and then add two tablespoons of baking soda. Scrub the bottom of the pan with a steel wool or brush specifically designed for cast iron pans. Then, rinse the pan with clean, hot water.

If any grease remains, make a paste of equal parts kosher salt and vegetable oil and rub it over the stain.

After 10 minutes have passed, use a brush to wipe away the mixture and then rinse off the pan. For optimum results, follow your regular method of drying and seasoning your cast iron pan.

Cleaning a Ceramic Pan

Ceramic pans are ideal for cooking greasy foods because they can withstand high temperatures without warping or melting. However, because of their non-stick surface, burnt grease can quickly build up and become hard to remove. You can easily restore the appearance of your ceramic pan by following a few simple steps.

  1. To begin, add hot water and dish soap to the pan. Allow it to rest for approximately 10 minutes to loosen the charred grease.
  2. After 10 minutes, you should use a non-abrasive scrubbing pad or brush to gently remove the grease.
  3. Be sure to apply pressure evenly across the pan to avoid scratching it.

  4. After removing the grease, use hot water to rinse the pan and then dry it with a clean cloth.
  5. To effectively remove any remaining residue, mix some baking soda and white vinegar into a paste, and apply it to the affected area. Spread the paste onto the areas that have been affected and leave it there for 10 minutes. Afterwards, you can use a cloth that has been slightly moistened to wipe off any remaining residue.
  6. Afterwards, rinse your pan with hot water and make sure it is completely dry before storing it or using it again. [3]

Things You Should Never Do

Things You Should Never Do

  • Never use scouring pads on the bottom of your pans. Scouring pads are too abrasive and can damage the nonstick coating or even scratch away at it. Cleaning future grease buildups will be harder because of this.
  • To avoid scratching off the nonstick coating, refrain from using metal utensils on your pans.
  • Never leave your pans on the stove unattended with heat, as this can cause the grease to burn and harden onto your pan.
  • To avoid damaging the nonstick coating and make it easier to clean off future grease buildup, refrain from using high-heat settings while frying in nonstick pans.
  • Never leave your pans to soak in water for extended periods of time, as this can cause the nonstick coating to start peeling off.
  • Never use caustic cleaners on nonstick pans, as this can break down the protective layer and lead to damage or discoloration of the pan.
  • Never put your pans in the dishwasher, as this can also break down the nonstick coating.
  • Avoid using steel wool or any abrasive materials on the pan as doing so can harm the surface and cause difficulty in cleaning off future grease buildups. [4]

Preventing Burnt Grease And Grease Stains

To avoid having burnt grease on the bottom of a frying pan, it’s best to take preventative measures.

To do this, you should always use enough oil when cooking and not let food cook for too long at high temperatures.

Additionally, avoid overcrowding pans with food so that items don’t stick together and cause more grease build-up. Taking these preventative steps will save you time and energy when it comes to cleaning the pan.

You should also be sure to clean your pans after each use. As soon as you notice grease on the bottom of the pan, use a damp cloth or sponge to wipe it off. This will keep the grease from sticking and hardening on the pan.

If you cannot clean the pan immediately, fill the sink with hot, soapy water and place the pan in it. Using this will make it less difficult to remove any grease that is stuck to the surface. [5]


How do you get black baked grease off a pan?

If you have black baked-on grease on your pans, you can remove it by using a cleaning agent along with some physical effort. Begin by scrubbing the pan with steel wool or a non-abrasive scouring pad and dish soap. If that does not work, fill the pan with water and add some baking soda, vinegar, or ammonia.

How do you get burnt food off the bottom of a frying pan?

Scraping away the burnt food from the bottom of your frying pan can be a tedious task. To make it easier, you will need to start by soaking the pan in hot soapy water for about 20 minutes before beginning to scrape. After that, use a metal spatula or a hard-bristled brush to gently scrape away any burnt food from the bottom of your pan. It should be doable, but you might have to put in some effort.

If you’re still experiencing difficulty in removing all the residue, you could attempt using baking soda or vinegar as an abrasive agent. Alternatively, you can add some dish soap to the water.

After removing as much burnt-on food as possible, make sure to rinse the pan and dry it thoroughly.

Lastly, you may consider using a non-stick coating or seasoning your pan to help make it easier to clean next time.

What dissolves burnt-on grease?

There are several chemical agents that can be used to dissolve burnt-on grease. These include common household products like baking soda, white vinegar and lemon juice. Baking soda functions by producing an alkaline solution that aids in the breakdown of grease and facilitates its removal by scrubbing. White vinegar also creates an acidic environment which helps loosen the grease from the surface.

What dissolves burnt-on grease

Lemon juice contains citric acid, which is a natural degreaser. To remove tough burns from aluminum pans, you can heat a solution of equal parts water and white vinegar. This will help dissolve the grease more quickly.

Scrubbing with steel wool or another abrasive cleaner will also help remove stubborn stains. For the best results, use any of these agents with a non-scratch sponge or cloth to ensure you don’t further damage the pan.

How do you make the bottom of pans look new again?

To restore the bottom of your pans to their original state, you should use a mixture of water and baking soda. Start by filling the pan with enough water to cover the burnt grease. Add ¼ cup of baking soda for every quart of water that is already in the pan. Allow it to sit for an hour or two before you start scrubbing with a sponge or steel wool.

To possible outcome, you might have to repeat this process multiple times until the bottom of your pan looks as good as new. After completing the task, make sure to rinse the pan and dry it completely before using it for the next time.

What is the method for cleaning black iron frying pans?

To effectively clean a black iron frying pan, mix baking soda and oil together and use the mixture.

To start, pour 1/4 cup of baking soda into the bottom of the pan. Next, add one tablespoon of either vegetable oil or olive oil and thoroughly mix with a spoon until the mixture reaches a thick, paste-like consistency. Apply this paste all over the bottom and sides of the pan.

After waiting for 15-20 minutes, use a scouring pad or steel wool to scrub away any remaining burnt grease or food particles. Afterward, rinse the pan with water and soap, and make sure to dry it completely before using it again. You can clean the pan using a mixture of baking soda and water, in equal parts.

Apply the paste to the pan and use a scouring pad or steel wool to scrub it. Afterwards, rinse thoroughly with hot, soapy water and make sure to dry completely.

If you are having difficulty removing tough burnt-on grease, consider using an oven cleaner. To clean the pan, spread a generous amount of oven cleaner over its entire bottom and allow it to rest for 10 minutes.

After that, use a scouring pad or steel wool to scrub the pan. Before using again, make sure to rinse thoroughly and dry completely.

How do you dissolve hardened grease?

To dissolve hardened grease, you can use a mixture of hot water, salt, and baking soda. To begin, fill a sink with hot water and place the pan inside. To the water, please add two tablespoons of table salt and one tablespoon of baking soda. Soak the pan in the solution for at least an hour or until the grease has softened enough to be wiped away.

Once the grease is loose, use a sponge or scrubber to remove it from the pan. Before using the frying pan again, make sure to rinse it and dry it. You can dissolve hardened grease by using vinegar and baking soda. To begin, pour enough water into the pan until it is partially filled with liquid.

To the liquid, add 2 tablespoons each of white vinegar and baking soda. Allow the pan to soak in the solution for at least an hour or until it has softened enough to be easily scrubbed away. Before using the frying pan again, clean it by scrubbing off the grease with a sponge or scrubber, then rinse and dry it.

What removes black grease?

One of the most effective methods for removing burnt grease from frying pans is to use elbow grease!

Scrubbing with a good quality steel wool or stainless steel scrub sponge will help break up and remove some of the stubborn grease residue. To tackle stubborn areas, consider mixing baking soda with warm water and using the solution. Baking soda helps to loosen the grease and makes it much easier to remove.

Will vinegar dissolve baked on grease?

You can use vinegar to dissolve baked-on grease from the bottom of your frying pan as it is a potent cleaning agent. To clean your dirty pan using vinegar, mix one cup of white vinegar with two cups of water. Let the mixture sit in the pan for 30 minutes. Raise the heat of the stove and wait until the mixture starts boiling. Once boiling, let it cook for 10 minutes before turning off the heat and letting it cool down.

After the object has cooled down, utilize a plastic spatula to remove any leftover grease and then wash it by rinsing with hot water. If there is still some grease residue, you may need to repeat the process.

How do you clean a burnt pan without baking soda?

You can clean a burnt pan using various methods that do not involve baking soda. To achieve both effectiveness and safety, a recommended approach is to combine hot water with white vinegar. To clean the pan, mix equal parts of vinegar and hot water and let it sit for 15-20 minutes. This will break down the grease and other debris that has built up in the bottom of the pan. After allowing it to rest, utilize a soft scrub brush or sponge to eliminate any dirt and oil.

To clean burnt pans without using baking soda, you can create a paste using lemon juice, salt, and white vinegar that is equally effective. Apply the mixture to the burned areas by combining the ingredients in equal amounts. To get rid of grease and other debris, use a soft sponge or cloth for scrubbing. After that, rinse with hot water.

Finally, an alternative method to clean burnt pans without using baking soda is to use hot water and dish detergent. To clean the pan, add a few drops of dish detergent into hot water and allow it to soak. Before using a non-abrasive scrub brush or sponge to wipe away the grease and debris, allow it to sit for 15 minutes. Afterwards, make sure to thoroughly rinse with hot water.

Can you mix baking soda and white vinegar together?

Mixing baking soda and white vinegar is a safe and effective way to clean burnt grease from the bottom of frying pans. Baking soda is a mild alkaline substance while white vinegar is an acidic cleaning agent. When mixed together, they create a chemical reaction that helps break down stubborn grease stains. To use this method, you should sprinkle a lot of baking soda over the area where the grease is burnt. Next, you should pour white vinegar on top of the baking soda and allow it to sit for a few minutes.

Finally, use a scrub brush to gently remove any remaining grease stains from the pan.

How do you clean a burnt pan with salt?

If you have a frying pan with stubborn grease and grime on the bottom, using salt to clean it is an easy and effective solution. To do this, you will need: 1/4 cup of salt, 2 cups of hot water, a sponge or stiff-bristled brush. Begin by adding the salt into the hot water and continue stirring until it has completely dissolved. Next, take the sponge or brush and use it to scrub the bottom of the pan with the salt solution. Continue until all of the grease has been effectively loosened.

Afterwards, make sure to rinse thoroughly with warm water to completely remove all of the residue.

Useful Video: Stainless Steel vs. Carbon Steel Pans: 10 Differences & How to Choose


Getting rid of burnt grease from the bottom of frying pans doesn’t have to be difficult, even though it can be. Following the above steps and using the right tools can help make the job easier and faster. You might want to think about investing in high-quality cleaning products that are specially formulated for eliminating grease from kitchen surfaces. As an added bonus, many of these products are non-toxic, meaning they won’t harm your family or the environment.

