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Can You Season Cast Iron Pan With Bacon Grease?

Cast iron pans are versatile and can be used to make a range of tasty dishes. Were you aware that seasoning your cast iron pan with bacon grease is possible? It is true that using bacon grease to season your cast iron pan can enhance its flavor and prevent rusting. Continue reading to learn the correct way of cooking with a seasoned cast iron pan, in order to fully experience the advantages it offers.

Do You Need To Spray The Skillet Before Cooking Bacon?

Save time and skip the spray! When cooking bacon, you don’t need to use a cooking spray if you have a well-seasoned cast iron pan. Add flavor and protection by seasoning your pan with bacon grease.

Do You Need To Spray The Skillet Before Cooking Bacon

This will create a non-stick surface that keeps your bacon and other foods from sticking. Improve your cooking and maintenance routine with this simple tip: spraying your skillet with oil or cooking spray before adding bacon can make cleanup easier and prevent rust on your cast iron pan. Keep your cookware in top shape with this easy trick!

Do You Need Oil For Cooking Bacon?

To cook bacon properly, it’s important to use oil. While butter is a popular choice, oil is better because it has a higher smoking point, which means you can heat it up to high temperatures without it burning or smoking. This will help you avoid a smoky kitchen. When choosing an oil for cooking bacon, opt for neutral-flavored oils like canola or vegetable oil to avoid any added flavors in your bacon.

How Do You Remove Bacon Grease From A Cast Iron Griddle?

Keep your cast iron griddle in tip-top shape by seasoning it with leftover bacon grease! But before you start, be sure to remove any excess grease to prevent rust from forming. Follow these simple steps for a perfectly seasoned pan every time.

Preheat your oven to 375 degrees Fahrenheit to get started. Place the griddle on a baking sheet lined with foil and transfer it to the oven. Bake for one hour until the bacon grease has melted away.

Enjoy your crispy bacon without the extra grease!

To keep your pan clean and in top shape, gently scrub any leftover bacon grease with a paper towel after it has cooled down. Rinse the pan with hot water and soak it in a soapy solution, then dry it off with a clean towel.

Elevate your cast iron griddle game by seasoning it with bacon grease for added flavor and easier cleaning. Simply pour 1-2 tablespoons of bacon grease onto the surface and spread it evenly.

Using a paper towel, rub it in to ensure every inch of the pan is coated evenly.

Voila! Your griddle is ready to use. [1]

Seasoning Cast Iron With Bacon Grease On Stove Top And Oven

Seasoning Cast Iron With Bacon Grease On Stove Top And Oven

Achieving a non-stick surface on your cast iron pan is made easy by seasoning it with bacon grease.

The distinct flavor and ideal fat content of bacon grease form a protective layer on the skillet, safeguarding it against moisture while also creating long-lasting seasoning. Here is a guide on how to season your cast iron pan using bacon grease, both on the stove top and in the oven.

Preheat your oven

To create a long-lasting seasoning on your cast iron pan with bacon grease, the first step is to preheat your oven to 375°F. It’s crucial to wait until the oven is fully heated before beginning to ensure that the grease adheres correctly. Place your pan in the oven for around 10 minutes to ensure even heating.

Clean your pan thoroughly

Prepare your cast iron pan for seasoning by giving it a deep clean. This is crucial to ensure there is no debris or residue that will affect the seasoning process when using bacon grease. First, use warm soapy water to wash the pan and scrub away any bits of food or grime. When it’s clean, dry it with a cloth or paper towel.

Dry the pan

Ensure your cast iron pan is perfectly dry before seasoning it with bacon grease. Leaving any moisture in the pan can lead to rusting and damage. So, wipe off any excess water and allow the pan to air dry completely before proceeding with the seasoning process. [2]

Apply a layer of bacon

To properly season your cast iron pan, apply a thin layer of bacon grease to the inside surface once it’s dry and clean. Be mindful not to use too much and evenly spread the grease to avoid clogging any pores in the cookware.

Bake your cast iron pan

To season your cast iron pan with bacon grease, you’ll want to first prepare it by baking it in the oven. Simply place your clean and dry pan upside down on the middle rack of a preheated 450-degree Fahrenheit oven, and bake for one hour. This crucial step will ensure the surface of the pan is equipped to absorb and hold onto the flavor-enhancing seasoning.

Let it cool

Want to season your cast iron pan with bacon grease? Wait until it has completely cooled first. Using hot grease can cause warping or damage to the pan and result in uneven coating. Let the grease cool for at least two to three hours before applying it to the surface. Your pan will thank you! [3]

Fry Strips Of Bacon Straight

Discover the age-old secret to achieving nonstick and flavorful cast iron pans: seasoning with bacon grease. Passed down through generations, this simple technique involves frying bacon strips directly in the pan, resulting in the perfect seasoning. Try it for yourself and taste the difference.

Fry Strips Of Bacon Straight

The grease will adhere to the metal and create a protective layer that prevents food from sticking. A well-maintained cast iron pan should become non-stick and develop a golden, flavorful coating.

Things To Remember

Use a high-quality bacon grease: For optimal seasoning of your cast iron pan with bacon grease, it’s important to use high-quality fat. Avoid any fat that may contain impurities or contaminants to prevent any harm to the pan or negative impact on your food’s flavor.

Let the bacon grease cool down before use: To avoid damaging your cast iron pan, it’s essential to cool down bacon grease before applying it. The intense heat of the grease might harm the cookware if used while still hot. Ensure your pan stays in tip-top condition with this simple precaution.

Clean and dry the pan before seasoning: Achieving a perfectly seasoned cast iron pan with bacon grease requires proper preparation.

Begin with a thorough cleaning followed by complete drying to ensure even application of the bacon and absorption into all crevices of the material. Make sure to start off on the right foot for mouthwatering results!

Don’t over-season your pan: If you use too much bacon grease to season your cast iron pan, it may create a buildup on the surface that can make it difficult to cook food evenly. The best way to season is in small amounts, applying more grease as needed throughout the cooking process.

Clean up after use: Don’t forget to clean your cast iron pan after seasoning it with bacon grease.

This important step will prevent the buildup of harmful bacteria and debris in your pan, ensuring it stays fresh and ready for your next use. [4]

Benefits And Disadvantages Of Seasoning A Cast Iron Skillet With Bacon Fat

If you’re using a cast iron skillet for cooking, you may be curious if it’s okay to season it with bacon grease to add flavor. The answer is yes! You can use bacon fat to season your cast iron skillet and add more flavor to your food.

However, there are both benefits and drawbacks associated with this method.


Using bacon fat to season your cast iron skillet can prevent rust and increase its lifespan. The high fat content helps to protect the metal from oxidation.

Using bacon grease as a seasoning gives your food a unique smoky flavor that cannot be achieved with other types of cooking oils.


Using an excessive amount of bacon fat to season a cast iron skillet can overpower the taste of your food. Apply a thin layer of coating to the pan.

Using bacon grease as a seasoning will increase the fat content of your food since it is high in saturated fats.


What is the best grease to season cast iron with?

The recommended grease for seasoning cast iron is animal fat that has been rendered, like lard or bacon grease. Applying this will create a protective layer on the cast iron, preventing it from rusting and also making it non-stick. Vegetable shortening can also be used, although it doesn’t provide quite the same level of protection.

Is bacon good for cast iron?

You might be surprised to know that bacon grease is a fantastic seasoning option for your cast iron pan! Not only is bacon fat delicious, but it also has a high smoke point, which makes it perfect for seasoning. The saturated fat in bacon helps to create a non-stick surface when heated and rubbed into the iron.

This traditional method of seasoning with animal fat has been used for generations and predates modern non-stick coatings. Give it a try and taste the difference!

For a perfectly seasoned pan using bacon grease, ensure that you use just enough to create a thin layer on the surface. Too much grease can lead to unpleasant smoking and flare-ups.

Remember to let the pan cool completely before storing it. This will help ensure that the seasoning doesn’t dissolve when exposed to moisture.

Can you grease a pan with bacon grease?

Seasoning your cast iron pan with bacon grease is a smart choice. The high smoke point and richness of natural fats in bacon grease make it perfect for creating a non-stick layer on the surface of your skillet. Beyond functionality, the savory flavor bacon grease adds to your pan will lend depth and richness to your dishes. Get ready for perfectly seasoned and deliciously flavored meals.

Transform your cast iron skillet by seasoning it perfectly with bacon grease. Cover the surface of the pan with a thin layer of bacon fat and heat it over low heat until the fat starts to smoke.

Turn off the heat, let the pan cool, and wipe away the excess grease. Your skillet is now all set for cooking!

Why is my cast iron sticky after bacon?

The high fat content of bacon grease can cause cast iron to become sticky after cooking bacon, which is a common occurrence. The fatty acids in the bacon grease can bind with the molecules in the metal and form a strong bond that makes it difficult to clean off. For prevention of this issue, it is necessary to season your cast iron pan correctly before using it.

Why is my cast iron sticky after bacon

What’s the best way to season a cast iron skillet?

Discover the secret to perfectly seasoned cast iron skillets: bacon grease. With its high smoke point and rich flavor, bacon grease is the perfect option for seasoning your beloved skillet. Simply heat up 2-3 tablespoons of the grease over medium/low heat and let it warm for a few minutes before spreading it evenly across the interior surface with a paper towel. Get ready for sizzling and delicious meals every time.

To ensure long-lasting use of your cast iron skillet, let the bacon grease cool and wipe away any extra with a paper towel.

After seasoning, your skillet will have a protective black coating that prevents rusting and creates a non-stick surface for cooking. With occasional upkeep, your cast iron skillet can serve you for many years.

Can I use olive oil to season my cast iron?

Indeed olive oil can be utilized to season your cast iron. That’s actually a great option! Olive oil can tolerate heat up to 350°F, which is higher than the smoke point of bacon grease. This refers to the fact that the item will not burn quickly at high heat, which is crucial for creating a seasoning layer on your pan.

Furthermore, its neutral flavor will not overpower the taste of your food. Make sure to apply your chosen oil generously before cooking and remove any extra oil by wiping it off.

Taking care of your cast iron will benefit it greatly!

How many times should I season my cast iron?

For optimal results, it’s recommended to season your cast iron at least three times. When using bacon grease, allow the oil to cook in and absorb into the pan’s surface before wiping off any excess. This typically takes around 10 minutes. Always ensure that there’s enough bacon grease to coat the entire pan surface for even seasoning. Keep your cast iron pan’s seasoning in top shape with this easy maintenance routine.

Simply wash it after each use with warm soapy water (avoiding extremes of hot or cold), dry it thoroughly, and apply a light coating of oil before storing. By following these simple steps, you’ll enjoy a perfectly seasoned pan every time you cook.

Also, don’t forget to season your cast iron with bacon grease for a lasting non-stick finish! By seasoning your cast iron regularly using bacon grease, you’ll be able to extend the life of your pan and get perfect results each time you cook.

If you have any questions about how often to season, or how to do it correctly

Please don’t hesitate to contact your local cast iron cookware specialist.

Do you wash a pan after seasoning it?

Maintaining a clean and well-seasoned pan is key to cooking delicious meals. After using bacon grease, it’s crucial to wash the pan thoroughly to remove any leftover grease or food particles.

Simply use hot water and a scrubber to clean without causing damage to the seasoning. To guarantee a perfectly clean pan, dry it completely after washing to prevent the seasoning from sticking to any residue. Keep your meals tasting great by following these simple steps.

What to avoid in cast iron?

Learn how to properly season your cast iron pan with bacon grease. Avoid common mistakes and ensure a non-stick surface by following these simple steps. Never use cold or frozen bacon fat on a hot pan – heat it up first! This easy tip will prevent any burning or sticking of the fat for perfect cast iron cooking every time.

Another tip is to limit the amount of bacon grease used in the pan to prevent a sticky residue buildup that can lead to food sticking while cooking. To the seasoning of a cast iron skillet that has been seasoned with bacon grease, refrain from using soap or detergent.

Using them can strip the seasoning and render the pan unsuitable for use. It is important to never put a cast iron skillet in the dishwasher because it can harm the seasoning and cause difficulties when using it.

Are eggs better in cast iron?

Yes, you can use a cast iron pan to make omelet or scrambled eggs. To obtain a distinctive crispy golden-brown edge on eggs, using a cast iron pan while cooking can be helpful. Cast iron pans are also suitable for cooking fried eggs. Cooking eggs in a cast iron pan not only adds flavor, but it also results in even and quick cooking. It is not advised to season your cast iron with bacon grease.

There is some disagreement about the safety of using bacon grease to season a cast iron pan that is used to cook eggs because of the high heat involved. Also, bacon grease is composed of fat and protein that can react with the iron and other elements in the pan. The best way to season a cast iron pan is with vegetable oils such as coconut oil or avocado oil.

Properly seasoning your pans will ensure an excellent non-stick surface for years to come. It’s important to remember that cast iron pans require regular maintenance to stay in good condition.

Hand-washing with warm water and a mild detergent is recommended. To prevent rusting, the pan should be thoroughly dried after washing before storage. For more tips on how to use and care for your cast iron pans, visit our blog!

Useful Video: Bacon! The first thing to cook in new or restored cast iron pans. Probably the best thing to cook!


It is possible to use bacon grease to season a cast iron pan. Bacon fat is a great seasoning option because it has a high smoke point, adds flavor to the pan, and helps prevent sticking. To season a cast iron pan with bacon grease, you need to heat the pan until it gets almost smoking and then apply a layer of bacon grease all over the surface until it’s coated evenly. Once you’ve seasoned the pan, use a paper towel to remove any remaining grease. Let the pan cool down before storing or using it. A cast iron pan can last for years and make delicious meals if seasoned correctly.

