Can You Use a Kitchen Scale to Weigh Packages?

Can You Use a Kitchen Scale to Weigh Packages?

Packing for a move is never an easy task. There are so many things to remember, and it can be hard to know where to start. One of the most important decisions you’ll make is what kind of packaging materials to use. Should you buy boxes, or rent a truck and get moving crates? And what about packing tape – do you need that? One question that often comes up is whether or not you can use a kitchen scale to weigh packages. Let’s take a look at the answer!

What Is a Kitchen Scale?

A kitchen scale is a device used to measure the weight of ingredients in baking and other recipes. It’s typically made up of a platform, which sits on top of electronic scales. The scales have either a dial or a digital display, so you can easily read the measurements.

Most kitchen scales are small and lightweight, making them easy to store away and transport if needed. Many models also feature tare buttons, which allow you to subtract the weight of any containers being used for measuring purposes. [1]

Can You Use A Kitchen Scale to Weigh Packages?

The short answer is yes – you can use a kitchen scale to weigh packages. However, there are certain things you should consider before doing so.

What Is a Kitchen Scale?

First of all, if you are shipping packages, then it’s important to make sure that your package is accurately weighed. This ensures that you don’t have any surprises when it comes to the cost of postage or other fees associated with the shipment. Many postal services require an accurate weight for their shipments and will charge additional fees if your package does not meet their requirements. Therefore, using a kitchen scale for weighing packages is crucial in order to avoid any unexpected costs or delays in delivery time.

Another factor to consider is the accuracy of your kitchen scale. Many scales are not accurate enough for weighing packages, so it is important to check the accuracy rating before using one for your packages. It’s also a good idea to use a digital scale that displays the weight in both ounces and pounds, as this will ensure an even more accurate measurement.

Finally, while you can use a kitchen scale to weigh packages, it is important to remember that there are alternative methods of weighing items. For instance, if you happen to have access to a post office or other shipping facility with their own scales, then it may be better to use those instead. This way you can guarantee an accurate weight without having to worry about the accuracy of your kitchen scale.

Overall, using a kitchen scale for weighing packages is possible, as long as you take the necessary precautions and do your research. By making sure to use accurate scales and double-checking weights at shipping facilities, you can ensure that your packages will arrive safely and on time. Therefore, it pays to be prepared when it comes to weighing packages – a kitchen scale can be a great tool for the job!

Scale Limits

If you plan to use a kitchen scale for weighing packages, you’ll need to consider the weight capacity of your scale. Kitchen scales are typically designed to weigh ingredients and food items in the range of 0-10 kilograms (or 0-22 pounds). While this may be enough for lightweight domestic parcels, it’s not suitable for heavier objects.

For more substantial shipping needs, you should look into purchasing a dedicated postal or freight scale that can measure weights up to 50 kilograms (110 lbs) or even higher. These scales provide accurate readings so you can ensure precise measurements when mailing valuable or fragile items.

When selecting a kitchen scale for package weighing, there are several features to take into account. Look for a scale that has an easy-to-read display with units of measurement in both metric and imperial. You should also consider the accuracy of the scale and the number of decimal points it can weigh, as this will help you to get precise measurements.

If you’re packing items that require precision measurement (such as artwork or coins) then look for a kitchen scale that offers tare functionality. This is when the measuring container is placed on the scale and its weight is subtracted from any further weights added to it. This allows you to measure multiple objects separately without having to make any manual adjustments or calculations yourself.

Finally, consider how user-friendly the device is. Many kitchen scales come with additional features such as LCD backlighting, an auto-off function, and a timer, all of which can be useful when packaging items.

Scale Limits

Using a kitchen scale to weigh packages is an effective way to ensure your parcels get where they need to go without any additional costs or delays. With the right features, you’ll be able to accurately measure weights for postage without needing to invest in a dedicated weighing device.


Another benefit of using a kitchen scale for package weighing is that it helps to keep your work area clean and hygienic. As you’ll be measuring food items as well, you don’t have to worry about cross-contamination from outside objects. Similarly, the ability to tare the weight of a container means that you don’t need to transfer items between different sets of scales, saving time and reducing mess.

Using a kitchen scale for postage can also save money in the long run. Dedicated postal or freight scales are usually more expensive than kitchen scales, so investing in one may not be necessary if you’re only shipping lightweight parcels domestically. With careful use, a good-quality kitchen scale should last several years without needing to be replaced.


Kitchen scales may not be as accurate as dedicated mailing or freight scales. If you need to ship items with a precise weight measurement then it would be best to purchase an appropriate scale for this purpose. But if you’re only sending lightweight packages regularly then using a kitchen scale can still provide reliable measurements and save you time and money.

By considering the features of your kitchen scale, ensuring proper hygiene and understanding its limitations, you can use your device to weigh parcels with confidence. With the right information and equipment, accurately weighing packages for shipment is easy!


When using a kitchen scale to weigh packages, it’s important to take the time to package them correctly. Use appropriate materials such as bubble wrap and foam padding for fragile items, and fill any empty space with packing peanuts or other cushioning materials so that items don’t move around inside the box during transit. Make sure you use strong boxes in good condition and seal them securely with tape. [2]

It’s also important to ensure that your address and postage are clearly visible on the outside of the package. This will help make sure your parcel gets where it needs to go without any delays or additional costs due to incorrect labeling. Don’t forget to add tracking information if available!

Is There a Difference Between a Postal Scale and a Food Scale?

Yes, there is a difference between the two. Postal scales are designed for the general weighing of packages and other items that need to be shipped. They usually come with features such as tare weight (the weight of the container or box) and hold/peak weight options which can be used when you have an oddly shaped package or one that does not sit flat on the platform. Food scales, on the other hand, are designed for measuring out ingredients for recipes in both metric and imperial measurements. These scales are typically much smaller than postal scales and lack some of their additional features.

That said, many kitchen scales do offer a range of precision weights up to 11 lbs or 5 kg, so they may be suitable to use if you need to measure a package for shipping. However, if you are shipping heavier packages on a regular basis, it is recommended that you use a dedicated postal scale as these usually have greater accuracy and can handle larger weights. Additionally, most postal scales come with an LCD display that shows the weight in easy-to-read numbers while kitchen scales may only feature analog dials or beeps. 

Is There a Difference Between a Postal Scale and a Food Scale?

When selecting either type of scale, ensure that you get one that meets your needs as many of them come with additional features such as calibrations, auto shut-off, and even Bluetooth connectivity. Taking the time to do your research will help ensure that you purchase the right scale for your particular application.

Weighing Packages with a Kitchen Scale: Possibilities and Considerations

Using a kitchen scale to weigh packages can be a practical solution for some. Here’s a comparison of possibilities and considerations when using a kitchen scale for package weighing.

Possibility/Consideration Explanation
Weighing Small Packages A kitchen scale is suitable for weighing small packages, such as letters, small parcels, or ingredients for mailing.
Weight Limit Consider the weight limit of your kitchen scale. Most kitchen scales have a limited capacity, which may not be suitable for larger packages.
Accuracy Kitchen scales are designed for precise measurements in grams or ounces, making them suitable for accurately weighing small packages.
Unit Conversion Check if your kitchen scale allows you to switch between different units, such as grams, ounces, or pounds, for package weighing convenience.
Tare Function Many kitchen scales have a tare function, which allows you to zero out the weight of a container, making it easy to measure the package’s weight alone.
Larger Packages For larger packages or those exceeding the scale’s weight limit, it’s advisable to use a dedicated postal or shipping scale for accurate measurements.

Explanation of the table:

This table compares the possibilities and considerations when using a kitchen scale for weighing packages. Kitchen scales are suitable for small packages and offer accurate measurements with unit conversion options and tare functions. However, for larger packages, it’s recommended to use a dedicated postal or shipping scale with a higher weight capacity.


Are the kitchen and postal scales the same?

No, they are not the same.

Kitchen scales are designed to measure ingredients for food preparation and usually have a lower weight capacity than postal scales. Postal scales feature a higher weight capacity and also track how much postage will be required to mail an item. Additionally, some postal scales come with additional features such as tracking numbers and volume measurements which can be very useful when shipping packages. [3]

How do you weigh a box on a scale?

Weighing a box on a scale can be tricky if you don’t know what you’re doing. First, make sure your kitchen scale is set to the right unit of measurement (pounds or grams). Place the empty box onto the scale and note down the weight. Load up your package with items, remembering not to exceed the maximum capacity of your kitchen scale. Finally, weigh it again and subtract the original weight from this number to get the total weight of your package.

Can I weigh a package on my phone?

Yes, you can weigh a package on your phone! There are several apps available for both Android and Apple devices that allow you to measure the weight of an item quickly and easily. All you need is a compatible device, and then you can use the app to accurately measure the weight of your packages in seconds.

Can I weigh a package on my phone?

How do you find the weight of a package without a scale?

If you don’t have a kitchen scale, there are still ways to estimate the weight of a package. One way is to use an object of known weight and compare it against the package.

For example, if you know that a can of soda weighs 12 ounces, then you can compare it with your package while holding them both in one hand. This will give you an approximate weight for your package but may not be as accurate as using a kitchen scale.

Another option is to use postal scales or other devices available at post offices or mailing stores. These are more accurate than using objects for comparison, but they tend to be more expensive than purchasing a kitchen scale for home use.

Finally, some online retailers will provide approximate weight and size measurements when you enter the item’s description. This can be helpful if you’re ordering items online and need to know how much space or weight it will take up for shipping purposes. [4]

Using a kitchen scale is usually the most accurate way to weigh packages, but there are other methods available if you don’t have one on hand. By using objects of known weight, postal scales, or online retailers’ measurements, you can still get an idea of the weight of your package without having to purchase a kitchen scale.

What are the advantages of using a kitchen scale to weigh packages?

Using a kitchen scale to weigh packages can be convenient for small and lightweight parcels. It allows you to quickly estimate the weight without needing a separate scale. Additionally, it may save you time and effort for simple weighing tasks.

Are there any limitations to using a kitchen scale for package weighing?

Yes, there are limitations when using a kitchen scale for package weighing. Kitchen scales are typically designed for measuring ingredients and may have weight limits that are not suitable for larger or heavier packages. They may also lack the precision needed for accurate shipping or postal requirements.

When should I consider using a dedicated postal or shipping scale instead of a kitchen scale?

You should consider using a dedicated postal or shipping scale when you need to accurately weigh larger, heavier packages for shipping or postal purposes. Postal scales are designed to meet the requirements and regulations for shipping services and ensure precise measurements, making them a better choice for these applications.

Can I use a kitchen scale as a temporary solution for weighing packages in a pinch?

Yes, you can use a kitchen scale as a temporary solution for weighing packages if you only need rough estimates and do not have access to a dedicated postal or shipping scale. It can be a quick and convenient option for occasional use, but for more accurate and frequent package weighing, investing in a proper postal scale is recommended.



When it comes to weighing packages, the answer is yes, you can use a kitchen scale for this purpose. However, there are some important things to consider before doing so. First of all, make sure that your scale has an accurate and precise measurement system in order to get accurate results. Additionally, keep in mind that a kitchen scale might not be suitable for heavier packages due to its capacity limitations. All in all, though, using a kitchen scale can be an easy and effective way to measure the weight of your package if used correctly.

Now you know more about Using a Kitchen Scale To Weigh Packages? So go ahead and give it a try today! With the right equipment and considerations, you’ll be able to accurately weigh any package. Good luck!

