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How to Display Cutting Boards on Kitchen Counter?

A well-stocked kitchen is a beautiful thing. Not only does it make cooking and baking easier, but it also makes your home more inviting. One of the most important elements of any kitchen is the counter space. This is where you’ll do most of your chopping, slicing, and dicing. If you’re like most people, you probably use your countertop to store your cutting boards as well. But how should you display them for maximum efficiency and style? In this article, we will answer that question and provide some useful tips on how to display cutting boards on the kitchen counter!

Why Using Your Cutting Board as a Decor is a Great Idea

A lot of people think that cutting boards are just meant to be used in the kitchen and then stored away in a drawer or cupboard. However, many do not know that cutting boards can also be used as part of your kitchen decor. There are actually a few reasons how this can benefit your kitchen.

It is aesthetically pleasing

One reason using your cutting board as decor is a great idea is because it can be aesthetically pleasing. A lot of people have nice cutting boards that they don’t want to hide away in a drawer. If you have a beautiful wooden cutting board, why not put it on display? You can prop it up against the backsplash or even hang it on the wall. This way, you can still use it when you need to but it also adds a nice touch to your kitchen.

It is aesthetically pleasing

Cooking boards will look natural on the kitchen counter and will make it look more like a homey space rather than a cold, sterile room. They come in all sorts of shapes, sizes, and colors. By displaying a few of your favorite cutting boards on your counter, you can add some personality to your kitchen.

It helps to keep the place organized

You are most likely going to use your cutting board every day when cooking meals. Having it out in the open will help to remind you to use it and keep the place organized. It also helps to keep the cutting board from getting lost in a drawer or cupboard. For that reason, it’s best to store your boards in an easy to reach area rather than a clogged cupboard.

Cooking boards can also help to highlight other functional items in your kitchen. If you have a nice set of knives, storing them with the board can make them easier to grab when you need them. [1],[2]

How to Choose a Cutting Board For Your Kitchen?

When buying a new cooking board, it’s best to choose a cutting board that fits the style of your kitchen. If you have a rustic kitchen, look for a wooden cutting board. If you have a modern kitchen, opt for something sleek and minimal in design. Below are a few tips to consider.

Wooden cutting boards are a classic choice that will never go out of style. They come in all different colors and can be left plain or engraved with a design. Wooden boards are also very sturdy and can last for many years with proper care.

Wooden boards can fit into nearly every kitchen aesthetics from rustic to modern.

 If you want a cutting board that will make a statement, look for one with an interesting grain pattern or unique color.

To complement more modern kitchens, opt for a glass or acrylic cutting board instead. These boards come in a variety of colors and can be etched with designs.

Don’t forget about the shapes! There are no limits when it comes to the shape of your cutting board. If you have a small kitchen, choose an oval or round board. For larger countertops, go for a rectangle or square board.

Consider the color scheme of your kitchen as well. If you have a white kitchen, look for a board in warmer colors. For darker kitchens, try to find a board that will contrast well with the cabinets.

But most importantly, experiment! Try different materials, colors, and shapes until you find the perfect cutting board for your kitchen. By mixing materials, you can even improve the practicality of your kitchen. [1],[2],[3]

Ideas to Display Your Cooking Board on Kitchen Counter

So now that you know a few reasons to use your cutting board as decor, here are some ideas on how to actually display them.

Display it on the counter

One of the easiest ways to display your cutting board is to simply leave it out on the counter. If you have a nice cutting board, this can actually be a really stylish way to decorate your kitchen. You can prop it up against the backsplash or even lean it against something else on the counter. This way, it’s still easily accessible when you need to use it but it also looks great as part of your kitchen decor.

Another thing you can do is to store your smaller cutting board in a cake stand or other type of holder. This will help to keep it from sliding around on the counter and also looks really cute. [2],[3]

Hang it on the wall

If you have a cutting board that you really love, you can even hang it on the wall. This is a great way to show it off and also keep it within easy reach. You can use command strips or other types of hardware to hang your board on the wall. Just make sure that you don’t put it too high up so that you can still easily reach it when you need to use it.

Hang it on the wall

Hanging your boards can be functional and stylish at the same time. For example, if you have a small kitchen, hanging your cutting board on the wall can save some much-needed counter space.

You could create a little display by hanging multiple boards on the wall. This is a great way to add some personality to your kitchen and also be able to grab any board you need quickly. You can either sort the boards by their shape or by their size. This will help you to create a visually interesting design.

To save even more space, you can install hooks to hang things from your board like measuring cups, spoons, or even an oven mitt!

Just make sure that whatever you hang from the side is securely attached and doesn’t come in contact with food.

If you have a kitchen island, you can also utilize it as a way to display your cutting boards. You can either use command strips or rods and hooks to hang them from the island. Just make sure that they are hung at a comfortable height so that you can easily reach them. [2],[3]

Place them on the open shelf

If you have open shelving in your kitchen, this is another great place to display your cutting boards. You can prop them up against the back of the shelf or even hang them from the front. This is a really great way to show off your cutting boards and it’s also super practical.

No matter how you choose to display your cutting boards, just make sure that they are easily accessible so you can use them when you need to. And don’t be afraid to get creative with how you display them. There are lots of different ways to do it so find what works best for you and your kitchen.

Place them on the open shelf

For example, you can place small houseplants beside your cutting boards to add a pop of color. Or you can use them as part of a larger display. For example, if you have a collection of cookbooks, you can place these on the same shelf as your cutting boards.

Place it alongside wooden baking tools

If you have wooden utensils, you can place your cutting board alongside them. This is a great way to add some decoration to your kitchen and also keep everything you need for baking easy to reach. You can either store the cutting board in a utensil holder or simply place it next to the other utensils on the counter. Either way, this is a great way to organize your kitchen and also make it look more stylish.

You may also want to place a bag of flour or sugar next to the cutting board. This will add a touch of rustic charm to your kitchen and also make it more functional. [4]

Place cooking utensils on the top of it

This is probably the most common way to display a cutting board, while also keeping those everyday items within reach. You simply place it on top of your counter and then put some cooking utensils in it. Not only does this add some natural charm, it simply looks great when everything is color-coordinated. Simply place a row of cooking utensils along the top edge of the board or in a cute Mason jar on top.

The most convenient thing would be to place a knife block by the cutting board. This way, you will have all of your knives within reach and they will be properly stored. [3]

Use it as a plate charger

If you have a larger cutting board, you can actually use it as a plate charger.

This is a great way to add some extra color and personality to your table setting.
Plus, it’s a great way to show off that beautiful cutting board! Simply place a plate on top of the board and then set your silverware on top. You could even add a napkin or place card for an extra special touch. [2],[3]

Use it as a riser

If you have a cutting board that is large enough and flat on top, you can use it to raise other items on your counter. This is great for things like vases or even canisters. It will add height and interest to your counter while still being functional. Placing a vase of flowers on it is a great way to add some color and life to your kitchen for example.

Use it as a riser

One interesting design idea is to place a bowl of fruits or vegetables on top of the cutting board. This way, not only will it be a beautiful and colorful decoration, but also a healthy one.

Another way to display your cutting board is by using it as a serving tray. This works especially well if you have a large cutting board. You can put all sorts of things on it like cheese, fruit, crackers, or even sushi. It makes for a great conversation piece and is sure to impress your guests. Just make sure the board is clean before you use it in such a way.[1],[2],[3]


How do you hang decorative cutting boards?

To hang your cutting board, first measure the width of your cutting board. Next, decide on the placement of the hanging hardware. Once you have determined the placement, drill two small pilot holes into the cutting board. Next, insert the screws into the pilot holes and tighten. Finally, hang your cutting board on the wall similarly to how you’d hang a picture.

Where should I put my cutting board?

Most people put their cutting board on the countertop near the stove. This is because it’s convenient to have it nearby when you’re cooking. Plus, it keeps your counters clear for food prep.

If you don’t have a lot of counter space, you can also put your cutting board on a kitchen island or table. Just make sure it’s close to where you’ll be using it so you don’t have to walk too far with sharp knives!

Another option is to hang your cutting board on the wall. This frees up counter space and looks pretty too! You can find special hangers that are made specifically for this purpose. Or, get creative and hang them on a thread or piece of twine for a rustic look.

Do you leave your cutting board out?

It’s always best to keep your cutting board out on the counter. It’s one of those tools that we use multiple times a day, so it’s really convenient to have it within arm’s reach. Plus, it looks nice! There are a few things to keep in mind if you’re going to do this, though.

First, make sure your cutting board is made of material that can withstand being left out in the open. We like bamboo because it’s durable and easy on knives. Second, think about what kind of aesthetic you’re going for in your kitchen. If you want a rustic look, leave your cutting board out on the counter top with the rest of your tools and utensils. If you’re going for a more polished look, consider storing it in a glass-front cabinet or on an open shelf.

Useful Video:Turn Kitchen Worktop Off Cuts Into Cutting Boards!


In conclusion, displaying cutting boards on your kitchen wall is a great way to keep your kitchen organized and add some personality to the space. Not only are they functional, but they can also be a source of inspiration when you’re preparing meals.

Because of that, it’s important to find a great place for one in your kitchen! Luckily, there are plenty of ways to display your cutting board. You can place them on a counter or open shelf; hang them on a wall; use them as a tray; or even put them in a cabinet. No matter which option you choose, make sure the cutting boards are easily visible and accessible so that you’ll be more likely to use them. And remember, don’t be afraid to experiment!

