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Kitchen Shears vs. Scissors: What’s the Difference?

When it comes to kitchen gadgets, there are two essential tools that everyone should have: kitchen shears and scissors. But what’s the difference between them? And which one should you choose for your needs? In this article, we will answer those questions and provide some useful tips to help you make the best decision for your kitchen. So read on to learn more about kitchen shears vs. scissors!

What are Kitchen Shears and Their Uses

Kitchen shears are a type of scissors that are specifically designed for cutting food. They usually have a serrated blade on one side and a smooth blade on the other, which makes them ideal for cutting tough or slippery surfaces. Kitchen shears can also be used to remove bones from chicken breasts and fish filets.

What are Kitchen Shears and Their Uses

Main uses of kitchen shears

Still, what are kitchen shears used for the most? Let’s discuss their main applications.

Cutting herbs

One of the most common uses for kitchen shears is cutting herbs. If you grow your own herbs or buy them fresh from the market, then you know that they can be tough to chop with a regular knife. Kitchen shears make quick work of herbs, and you don’t have to worry about crushing them like you would with a knife.

Cutting veggies

Besides herbs, kitchen shears can also be used to cut vegetables. This is especially helpful if you’re making a stir-fry or soup and need to chop the veggies into small pieces. Cutting greens like kale and chard can be difficult with a knife, but kitchen shears make it much easier.

Cutting packages

Another great use for kitchen shears is opening packages. Whether it’s a bag of chips or a frozen pizza, chances are you’ve used your scissors to open up a package at some point. Kitchen shears are also great for this task since they’re designed to cut through tougher materials. So, if you’re tired of using your teeth to open a package, grab a pair of kitchen shears instead – they’ll make light work of it.

Cutting chicken meat

Cutting chicken meat

And last but not least, kitchen shears can be used to cut chicken meat. Their blades are perfect for cutting through chicken breast, and the smooth blade can be used to remove the skin. Kitchen shears are also great for removing bones from chicken breasts, which makes them a useful tool when preparing chicken dishes.

Cutting bread

Another surprising application of kitchen shears is cutting bread. Some kitchen shears have serrated blades, and because of that, it can grip and cut through a crusty loaf with ease, while the handles are long enough to provide good leverage. Just be sure not to use them on delicate pastries or cakes, as you run the risk of squishing them.

Scissors, on the other hand, are not ideal for cutting bread. The blades are too short and narrow to make clean cuts, and they can’t grip the bread as well as shears can. You’re better off using a serrated knife for this task.

Cutting fish filets

Similarly to chicken meat, kitchen shears can also be used to cut fish filets. The durable blade is great for cutting through the tough skin of a fish filet, and the smooth blade can be used to remove the bones. Kitchen shears are also handy for removing the dark strip of meat from the center of a fish filet!

Cutting fish filets

As you can see, if you’re looking for a versatile pair of scissors that can handle just about anything in the kitchen, then kitchen shears are the way to go.

But what if you’re not looking for something so specialized? What if you just need a good pair of general-purpose scissors? In that case, you might want to consider… [1], [2], [3], [4]

Scissors and Their Uses

Scissors! Everyone has a pair of scissors in their home, but did you know that there are different types of scissors designed for different tasks?

Scissors are a type of cutting tool that consists of two blades connected at a pivot point. The blades can be opened and closed to cut through various materials like paper, cloth, hair, wire, and more. Scissors can be made from a variety of materials like metal, plastic, or even wood.

The most common uses for scissors are:

  • Cutting paper
  • Cutting cloth
  • Cutting hair
  • Cutting wire

There are many different types of scissors available on the market, each designed for a specific task. For example, there are dressmaking scissors that are designed specifically for cutting fabric, and there are office scissors that are designed specifically for cutting paper. Threading scissors also exist and those are typically smaller in size and have very sharp blades to make it easier to cut through thread. [2]

Differences Between Scissors and Kitchen Shears

Now that we know what scissors are, let’s take a closer look at the differences between scissors and kitchen shears.

Blade Design

The first difference you’ll notice between scissors and kitchen shears is the blade design. Kitchen shears are designed with two blades that hinge at the middle, much like a pair of scissors. However, one of these blades can be micro-serrated while the other is straight. Still, there are kitchen shears with two straight blades. This combination allows for better grip and cutting power than traditional scissors. Scissors on other hand have two identical metal blades that are hinged together at the handle. The blades of scissors come to a point and cross each other in the center, allowing them to cut through materials like paper, fabric, and hair. [2]

Handle Design

Handle Design

Another difference between scissors and kitchen shears is the handle design. Kitchen shears usually have ergonomic handles that are easier to grip than traditional scissors. This allows you to apply more pressure to the blades, making it easier to cut through tougher materials. Scissors typically have narrower handles designed for precision, that can be uncomfortable to hold for long periods of time. This difference in handle design makes each tool better suited for different tasks. For example, if you’re cutting through a tough piece of meat, you’ll want to use kitchen shears with their comfortable handles. But if you’re cutting through a delicate material like fabric, you’ll want to use scissors with their precision handles.


Another factor to consider when choosing between scissors and kitchen shears is durability. Kitchen shears are made of high-quality stainless steel that is designed to withstand a lot of wear and tear. This makes them safe to use for cutting through tougher materials and foods without an issue. When it comes to regular scissors, they have thinner blades that are not always made of the same high-quality materials. This means that they may not be as durable as kitchen shears and can break more easily. You certainly won’t be able to cut meat with them without risking damage to the blades. However, they are better suited for cutting things like paper and fabric. [2]


Kitchen shears have much more applications than ordinary scissors! They can be used not only for cutting something in the kitchen but also for many other things. For example, you can easily clean fish using the serrated blade or open a tough packaging. You can also use them as a nutcracker by placing the nut in between the blades and applying pressure. Most kitchen shears also have a built-in bottle opener, which is handy for opening wine bottles or beer bottles. So if you are thirsty for some quick beer, you can use them to open the beer bottle.

Certain models can even be used as a screwdriver. All of these things are possible because of the design of kitchen shears.

On the other hand, scissors have more limited applications. They’re mainly used for cutting paper, hair, and fabric. But because of their smaller size and precision blades, they can also be used for tasks like trimming your nails or cutting out a pattern. [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]


The final factor to consider is maintenance. Because you will use kitchen shears for a variety of harsher tasks very often, you’ll need to regularly sharpen the blades and clean them after each use. Scissors, on the other hand, can last for years with minimal care. You’ll only need to sharpen the blades every few uses and you can clean them with a simple wipe down.

However, kitchen shears are also very easy to disassemble and clean. This is important because you need to be able to clean all the nooks and crannies where food can get stuck. Scissors, on the other hand, are more difficult to disassemble and clean.

Kitchen shears are also usually dishwasher safe, which makes them even easier to clean. Despite requiring less maintenance, scissors are not as durable as kitchen shears. The blades can become dull quickly and the hinges can break if they’re used too often. [2], [4]

Kitchen Shears vs Knife

One thing you might wonder is whether kitchen shears can replace a knife. And the answer is yes, in most cases they can! Many people believe that they don’t really need kitchen shears because they have a knife. But there are some definite advantages to having a pair of kitchen shears.

Kitchen Shears vs Knife

For one thing, kitchen shears are much safer than knives. With a knife, you have to be very careful not to cut yourself. But with kitchen shears, you can safely cut through tough items without worry.

But probably the biggest advantage of kitchen shears is the versatility. You can use them for so many different things, from cutting meat to vegetables, to opening packages. And if you have a good pair of kitchen shears, they will last you for years and years.

Still, a good chef’s knife will never be replaced. It’s a kitchen essential that every cook should have. But a pair of kitchen shears will be a great addition to your kitchen and will help make cooking a lot easier. [3], [4]

Kitchen Shears vs. Scissors: Understanding the Distinctions

Choosing between kitchen shears and regular scissors for culinary tasks depends on the specific job at hand. To help you make the right choice, we’ve created a detailed comparison table with multiple columns to highlight the key differences between kitchen shears and scissors across various aspects.

Aspect Kitchen Shears Scissors
Blade Design Designed with strong, serrated blades that can easily cut through meat, poultry, herbs, and other kitchen tasks. Typically have straight blades designed for general cutting tasks, such as paper and fabric.
Handle Design Feature comfortable, often ergonomic handles that provide a secure grip, even with wet or greasy hands. May have various handle designs, including ergonomic options, but are not specifically designed for kitchen use.
Material Constructed from food-safe stainless steel to maintain hygiene and resist corrosion from food acids. Constructed from various materials, including stainless steel, but not always food-safe or corrosion-resistant.
Functionality Specialized for kitchen tasks like cutting meat, poultry, bones, herbs, and opening food packaging. General-purpose scissors suitable for a wide range of non-food tasks like cutting paper, fabric, and opening packages.
Cleaning Designed for easy cleaning, often with removable blades or dishwasher-safe components. May be harder to clean thoroughly, especially if used for non-food tasks.
Multi-Functionality Versatile for a variety of kitchen tasks, reducing the need for multiple tools. Primarily designed for non-food tasks but can handle some kitchen jobs in a pinch.
Hygiene Designed to maintain food hygiene and safety by being easy to clean and preventing cross-contamination. May not have the same level of food hygiene in mind.
Price Range Varies but often priced to reflect their specialized design and materials. Typically more affordable as they serve general purposes.
Kitchen-Specific Tasks Ideal for tasks like spatchcocking poultry, cutting herbs, trimming fat, and more. May not be as efficient or comfortable for these kitchen-specific tasks.
Other Uses Can be used for non-kitchen tasks like opening packages and cutting twine. Primarily designed for non-food purposes.

Explanation of the Table:

  • Aspect: Lists different aspects to consider when comparing kitchen shears and scissors.
  • Kitchen Shears: Provides information about kitchen shears in each aspect.
  • Scissors: Provides information about scissors in each aspect.

By examining these aspects, you can make an informed decision about whether kitchen shears or scissors are better suited for your specific culinary and non-culinary needs.


What are kitchen shears made of?

Kitchen shears are usually made of stainless steel. The blades are sharp and the handles have a comfortable grip. And best of all, they are resistant to rust and corrosion. Scissors, on the other hand, can be made of different materials such as plastic, metal, or even titanium. The most important thing is that the blades are sharp and the handles fit comfortably in your hand.

Are kitchen shears the same as scissors?

The main difference between kitchen shears and scissors is that kitchen shears are larger and have stronger blades than scissors. Kitchen shears can also be used to cut through tougher materials, like chicken bones, while scissors cannot. On other hand, regular scissors can offer you much more precise

Can shears be used as scissors?

The answer is yes, but with some caveats. First, know that shears and scissors are two different tools meant for different purposes. Kitchen shears are built for tougher cuts—think chicken bones—whereas scissors are better suited for more delicate tasks, like cutting paper. Second, while you can technically use shears as scissors, it’s not the best idea to do so on a regular basis since it will dull the blades quicker.

Why is there a hole in kitchen shears?

The hole is there so you can store them safely. Scissors, on the other hand, don’t have this hole because they are not meant to be used in the same way as kitchen shears.

What do you use kitchen shears for?

Kitchen shears are versatile tools that can be used for a variety of tasks, including cutting meat, chicken, fish, vegetables, herbs, and flowers. Just like ordinary scissors, they can also be used to open packages and cut fabric, although they won’t be as precise.

What makes kitchen shears more suitable for food preparation compared to regular scissors?

Kitchen shears are designed with food safety in mind. They are often made of materials that are easy to clean and resistant to corrosion, ensuring that they can be used in food-related tasks without contamination. Additionally, the serrated blades of kitchen shears are effective at cutting through meat, poultry, herbs, and other food items, making them a practical tool in the kitchen.

Can I use regular scissors in the kitchen if I don’t have kitchen shears?

While you can use regular scissors in the kitchen for some tasks, it’s essential to be cautious about hygiene and cross-contamination. Regular scissors may not be as easy to clean as kitchen shears and may not be designed for food-specific uses. It’s generally recommended to have dedicated kitchen shears for food preparation to ensure safety and hygiene.

Are there any other notable differences between kitchen shears and regular scissors?

Yes, there are additional differences between kitchen shears and regular scissors. Kitchen shears often have more robust and durable construction to handle cutting through bones or thicker food items. They may also have specialized features like a built-in nutcracker or jar opener. Regular scissors, on the other hand, come in various designs for general-purpose cutting tasks but lack the food-specific features of kitchen shears.

Are there any safety considerations when using kitchen shears or regular scissors in the kitchen?

Safety is essential when using both kitchen shears and regular scissors in the kitchen. Always handle them with care and keep them out of the reach of children. When using kitchen shears for food preparation, ensure they are clean and sanitized to prevent cross-contamination. Regular scissors used in the kitchen should also be cleaned thoroughly to avoid transferring contaminants to food items.

Useful Video: Top 10 Kitchen Scissor Review


You might be wondering which is better, kitchen shears or scissors? And the answer really depends on what you need them for. Kitchen shears can be used for just about any hard duty task in the kitchen, from cutting meat to herbs. Scissors, on the other hand, are better suited for smaller tasks like trimming hair or fabric. Kitchen shears can also be used for other tasks, like bottle opening or removing screws, that scissors simply can’t do. So, when it comes down to it, kitchen shears are the more versatile tool. But if you’re only looking for a basic cutting tool, then scissors will do just fine. Hopefully this article has helped you to understand the difference between kitchen shears and scissors, and to decide which one is right for you.

